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Writer's Life 

Money Often Costs Too Much

Money often costs too much .....Emerson.

Equine therapy. It's a while since I last did some equine photography. The waves have kinda taken over in this last decade with Ocean therapy becoming such a 'thing' and all. But looking at this portrait, taken during a Mullaghmore visit, I can't help feel drawn back to the pure wisdom and beauty of this being. Her gaze soothes me beyond words and worlds. Yes, Riding Between The Worlds - Linda Kohanov got it right.

So shout out to my Equine Therapy friends, Debbie Reilly, Jackie Tye, Christine Hall (google them), it was you and your magical companions that helped me first find my way after leaving the corporates, reigniting my connection to this planet, and empowering my imagination to roam's precious work you gift this world ladies, I hope more may follow my path to you. Grateful. 🙏


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