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Writer's Life 

Writer's pictureCarrie

I Walked With Light Today

I walked with Light today ...we spoke a while, amidst the sparkling foam of Ocean's breath.  

She showed me a way to see with my heart, feel with my soul and hear through intuition.

And as I stood, my toes curling into the welcoming sand, a door opened to a world far beyond the ego's narrow hologram of fear infinite world of the purest beauty, liberating weightlessness and brightest of light.  

A world.... as One. 

And in that sublime, infinite moment of knowing, I knew without question or the neediness of thought, that we're all just on our way, back home, to Love. 


For my little pack of labradors. Unconditional Love with a tail. My greatest teachers. 

Ps. No AI required thank you Wix, I have that thing you will never attain ....a Soul. 


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